Research Group for Applied Software Engineering
Forschungsgruppe für Angewandte Softwaretechnik
Bachelor's Thesis
Improving Runtime Performance and Maintainability of the Apodini Server-Side Swift Framework
Max Obermeier
April 15, 2021 - August 15, 2021

Modern server-side development faces a multitude of challenges. While many of those challenges are solved well by most modern web-frameworks, the following are still subject of active research: Web services often have to use a variety of middlewares to serve a heterogenous set of clients. Moreover, agile development methodologies lead to constant change in regards to both, application logic and middleware. Apodini is a prototypic server-side framework that aims to solve these challenges by providing a declarative and composable syntax for defining a web-service, establishing a full abstraction between the implemented application logic, the web-service’s structure and the middleware in use. This thesis explores different strategies to improve the Apodini framework in terms of maintainability and runtime-performance. The thesis contributed to the Apodini open source project: