Research Group for Applied Software Engineering
Forschungsgruppe für Angewandte Softwaretechnik

Continuous Software Engineering

  • Theses_Dominic_Henze_Multimodel_Scene_Control_for_Smart_Buildings

    Multimodal Scene Control for Smart Buildings
    Dominic Henze
    Sandra Grujovic
  • Theses_Dora_Dzvonyar_Communication_Metrics_Agile_Projects

    Communication Metrics in Agile Projects
    Dora Dzvonyar
    Belinda Zahra
    Software metrics have been proven to be useful in indicating problems in development projects, but they are limited to analyzing information captured in software artifacts. By applying metrics to communication artifacts, we want to make the development process more insightful, validate the software metrics by combining them with results derived from aspects of team communication, and make it possible to recognize problems from a very early project stage.
  • Theses_Dora_Dzvonyar_Development_UI_Team_Allocation

    Development of a User Interface for Team Allocation in Software Projects
    Dora Dzvonyar
    Malte Bucksch
    The team allocation for software projects is often done solely based on the subjective judgment of the project manager. The objective of this thesis is to create a hybrid system called TEASE (TEam Allocation for Software Engineering). It makes use of an algorithm while allowing user interaction to create optimal teams from a pool of persons. The project manager can adapt the generated team allocation through an intuitive user interface based on his own knowledge and experience. The focus of this thesis is the user interface of TEASE.
  • Theses_Dora_Dzvonyar_User_Feedback_Rationale_Management

    User Feedback and Rationale Management in Continuous Software Evolution
    Dora Dzvonyar
    Ekaterina Sebina
    User feedback is difficult to use as a basis for implementation. For this purpose, we introduce FeedViz, a feedback visualisation component which analyses, structures and prioritises user feedback and illustrates the results to the development team. The aim is to simplify the decision-making process as well as to capture information related to feedback which is important for rationale management.
  • Theses_Lukas_Alperowitz_Agile_Processes_Contionous_Delivery_Corporate_Environemnt

    Introduction of Agile Processes and Continuous Delivery in a Corporate Environment
    Lukas Alperowitz
    Sebastian Klepper
  • Theses_Lukas_Alperowitz_Continous_Delivery_Process_Distributed

    A Continuous Delivery Process for Distributed Systems
     Lukas Alperowitz
  • Theses_Lukas_Alperowitz_Prototype_Delivery_Requirements_engineering_Mobile_apps_Case_Study

    Automated Prototype Delivery in the Requirements engineering of Mobile Applications - A Case Study
    Lukas Alperowitz
    Marie Weintraud
  • Theses_Lukas_Alperowitz_Prototyping_Early_Requirements

    Prototyping in Early Requirements Engineering
    Lukas Alperowitz
    Stefan Kofler, Stephan Rabanser
  • Theses_Lukas_Alperowitz_Release_Management_Connected_Automtive

    A Release Management Process for Connected Services in the Automotive Sector
    Lukas Alperowitz
    Julia Glas 
  • Theses_Nitesh_Narayan_Tag_Based_Tash_Assignment

    Tag-based Task Assignment Recommendation
    Nitesh Narayan
    Taraneh Najafi
    Needless to say that, for any act of team organisation like task management the importance of having an overview of the activities and the strength of the team members in different fields is of no doubt. As elements of task management, the features of task board management and assignee recommender cover the former and the latter respectively. Through task board management, the organiser tracks the sequence of the tasks and the arrangement of the assigned tasks, so he or she could minimize the idle status of the team. To this end, the task should be distributed optimally among the developers based on their level of desirability. This implicitly brings the necessity of a mechanism to evaluate their desirability quantitatively which is normally assessed intuitively and qualitatively. As a result, through more rational assignment of the tasks among the developers based on their quantitative desirability, more tasks would be accomplished in the same specific sprint. Therefore, the effectiveness of the team would be improved. In this thesis we develop a light weight assignee recommendation and association algorithm, which is integrated within an android application for task management
  • Theses_Stephan_Krusche_Collaborative_Release_Management_Agile_Software_Development

    Master's Thesis
    Collaborative Release Management in Agile Software Development
    Stephan Krusche, Lukas Alperowitz
    Andreas Seitz
    August 2014
    Deployment and publication of software can be painful and time consuming. In this thesis we address the release management of software related to continuous integration and delivery. As collaboration is a central point in agile software development, we aim to promote collaboration in the area of release management by improving the release process. We focus on the release process, as the Rugby process model describes it. This thesis deals with the usage of releases in the context of Rugby and examines their impact. We conduct an evaluation to address the use of releases in meetings. This leads to an idea that can improve the application of releases as communication models.
  • Theses_Stephan_Krusche_Context_Sensitive_User_Feedback

    Master's Thesis
    A context-sensitive user feedback mechanism for continuous software evolution
    Stephan Krusche
    Dora Dzvonyar
    October 2015
    Regular user feedback is important, as it helps to validate requirements and improves user satisfaction. However, it fails to unfold its full potential in many projects. Common challenges include low user motivation, fragmented feedback channels, and missing information, making it difficult for the development team to extract the underlying requirements of the user. We aim to address these problems by proposing a system for Context-Aware Feedback (CAFE), which integrates user feedback into the software evolution process. The objective is to provide a channel for users to give feedback with as little effort as possible in order to bridge the gap between users and developers. CAFE stores feedback directly in the issue tracker enriching it with recorded usage context and visualizes the evolution of requirements through user feedback. In a formative evaluation with controlled user experiments we found that both developers and users prefer CAFE to other feedback channels and that automatically gathered context data is useful. Both the fact that user feedback is saved in the issue tracker and the added value of Feedback Traceability are regarded as beneficial.
  • Theses_Stephan_Krusche_Framework_Continous_Delivery_Project_Based_Organizations

    Master's Thesis
    A Framework for Continuous Delivery in Project-based Organizations
    Stephan Krusche
    Lukas Alperowitz
    November 2013
    Continuous delivery allows software developers to deliver applications to the customer with a few clicks and therefore helps them to gather feedback fast. We present a continuous delivery process model and describe how we integrated this process model into the iOS Praktikum. We explain how we thought the concepts to the student using different teaching resources like a cross-project release-team. We evaluate the course using an online questionnaire after the end of the projects. Our observations show that participating students understood and applied the concepts of continuous delivery and are convinced about the benefits. Continuous delivery increased the amount of releases increased the speed of the delivery process compared to earlier versions of the Praktikum.
  • Theses_Stephan_Krusche_Interactive_In-Class_Exercises

    Bachelor / Master
    Step-wise exercises with interactive help tutorials inArtemis (
    Many exercises include multiple parts that depend on each other. Then it is impossible, difficult and/or demotivating for students to continue with the 2nd or 3rd part if they were not able to solve the 1st part. It is also misleading if the 1st part is finished and the student gets the feedback that e.g. 8 out of 12 test cases still fail. In this thesis, you will extend ArTEMiS so that instructors can easily add multiple parts for exercises. In addition, ArTEMiS should allow student to receive automatic help in form of live tutorials for exercise parts that they don't understand or cannot solve. While they cannot obtain the full points any more, they can work on the other parts as well and learn the system and the theory behind the concept through interactive live tutorials (comparable to an on-boarding in a mobile app). The thesis should also evaluate if these improvements help and motivate students to achieve a better learning experience. ArTEMiS is open source and available on
    Extension of Programming Exercise in Artemis ( --> 
    Extension of Semi-Automatic Grading of Modeling Exercises inArtemis ( --> 
  • Theses_Stephan_Krusche_Standardized_Continous_Delivery_workflow_Mobile_Applications

    Master's Thesis
    Introduction of a Standardized Continuous Delivery Workflow for Mobile Applications in a Corporate Environment
    Stephan Krusche
    Sebastian Klepper
    November 2014
    Mobile applications are of increasing relevance to businesses in all industries. While companies are progressively adopting agile methodologies to facilitate faster development, there is a lack of suitable workflows that accommodate all requirements and restrictions of a corporate environment. There are, however, promising approaches to continuous delivery for mobile projects in the academic field. Our goal is to transfer a well-proven process model and system from Technische Universität München (TUM) to the mobile business line at Capgemini, a multinational provider of IT consulting, outsourcing, and professional services. We describe a modified and extended process model that includes optional as well as variable subprocesses to provide a flexible solution. By allowing each project to adapt the workflow to their specific needs, we simultaneously provide a way of standardizing how continuous delivery is applied to mobile projects in the company. After evaluating our solution in eight deliberately chosen projects, results show increased frequency and thoroughness of integration, resulting in more immediate feedback about changes. Delivery is simplified and accelerated, saving both time and resources.
  • Theses_Tobias_Röhm_Towards_Systematic_User_Involvement

    Towards Systematic User Involvement in Software Engineering
    Dennis Pagano
    Rana Alkhadi