Research Group for Applied Software Engineering
Forschungsgruppe für Angewandte Softwaretechnik


  • Thesis - Stephan Krusche - Bachelor and Master Theses

    Master / Bachelor
    Step-wise exercises with interactive help tutorials in Artemis
    Many exercises include multiple tasks that depend on each other. Then it is impossible, difficult and/or demotivating for students to continue with the 2nd or 3rd task if they were not able to solve the 1st task. It is also misleading if the 1st task is finished and the student gets the feedback that e.g. 8 out of 12 test cases still fail. In this thesis, you will extend Artemis so that student can receive automatic help in form of live tutorials for exercise parts that they don't understand or cannot solve. Based on a template/solution diff, test coverage analysis and the connection between tasks, tests and code, Artemis will be able to automatically propose hints for tasks which can be further refined by instructors and linked to relevant lecture content. (Master thesis only) The thesis should also evaluate if these improvements help and motivate students to achieve a better learning experience. Artemis is open source and available on


    Master / Bachelor
    Further Development of Apollon (
      Apollon is an online modeling editor written in React. It offers an easy to use and lightweight experience to learn UML and other notations in an interactive environment. It runs as standalone version on offering a collaborative modeling experience without accounts. It is also integrated into Artemis to enable modeling exercises. Students create models, tutors assess those models and provide feedback which students can then see in order to improve their modeling skills. In this thesis, Apollon should be enhanced with new features such as an improved live collaboration, new diagram types, and an improved experience when assessing UML models.


    Master / Bachelor
    Further Development of the IntelliJ Plugin Orion (
      Orion already works for students to participate in programming exercises and for instructors to setup programming exercises, but not yet for the code review of programming exercises by tutors. Inline hints, the support for team based exercises and automatic conflict resolution would be other possible enhancements. 


    Master / Bachelor
    Development of an Eclipse Plugin for Artemis
      There is already an IntelliJ plugin for Artemis called Orion (, it would also be interesting to develop an Eclipse plugin with the same feature set.


    Master / Bachelor
    Further Development of the Gitlab / Jenkins Integration in Artemis
      Programming exercises in Artemis can be realized with Bitbucket and Bamboo or with Gitlab and Jenkins. Currently, the integration with Gitlab and Jenkins is limited and does not offer all functionality. In this thesis, the missing features would be implemented. In addition, the concept of build agents and dockerized builds should be realized within Jenkins.


    Master / Bachelor
    Communication and Discussions on Artemis
      Discussions on Artemis are already context sensitive in Artemis, however their functionality is still limited. In this thesis, the features would be enhanced based on new functionility. Users should be able to link Artemis content (e.g. videos scenes, exercise tasks, specific lecture slides) in questions. There should be dedicated channels for tutor groups and internal communication (e.g. between instructors and tutors). In addition, the mechanism to prevent post duplication should be enhanced and the search for posts within a course should be improved.


    Master / Bachelor
    Templates for all Programming Languages in Artemis
      With its VCS and CI architecture, Artemis supports any programming language for programming exercises. Currently, it includes templates for many popular languages, however templates for a couple of languages is still missing. In this thesis, new templates for programming exercises will be developed and tested with the Bitbucket/Bamboo and Gitlab/Jenkins. In addition, static code analysis should be integrated into more programming exercise templates.


    Master / Bachelor
    Learning Paths in Artemis
      In this thesis, the learning analytics should be enhanced in Artemis to provide learning paths for students. It should be possible for instructors to define dependencies (prerequisite, conists of, duplicate) between learning goals. This information should be used to build individual paths based on the existing experiences of students and will provide first steps into adaptive learning.


    Master / Bachelor
    Improving the Communication with External Systems in Artemis
      The communication with the external systems (Bamboo, Bitbucket, Jenkins, Gitlab) in Artemis can be further improved. Artemis should store the console log of failed builds in the database and not always fetch it from the CI system. It should be possible to sync all build plans of an exercise in case the template build plan is changed. Tutors should be able to download the student repository including the tests to simplify the local setup. The build queue and the history of all build times of an exercise should be used to indicate students and instructors how long they need to wait for the next build.