- JARV!S - Smart Textile Testing and In-Field Data Aquisition (2017, T-Systems International GmbH, Advisor & Project Leader, 7 Developers)
- CHEST 2.0 - Remote Health Monitoring (2016, T-Systems International GmbH, Interactive Wear, Advisor & Project Leader, 11 Developers)
- CHEST - Cooling Health Safety Textile (2015, T-Systems International GmbH, Ambiotex, Advisor & Project Leader, 7 Developers)
- Intelligent Context Aware City Hub (2015, Siemens CT, Project Leader, 7 developers)
- Incident Localization and Assistance System (2015, T-Systems in cooperation with ProGlove and AIS, Advisor & Project Leader, 7 developers)
- Intelligent Context Aware City Hub (2014, Siemens CT, Project Leader, 12 developers)
- Agile Factory - An Industry 4.0 Manufacturing Process (2014, T-Systems in cooperation with DE software & control, Advisor & Project Leader, 7 developers)
SS 2017
iPraktikumWS 2016/17
iPraktikumSS 2016
Teaching iOS | iOS PraktikumWS 2015/16
Teaching iOS | iOS Praktikum
- Virtuelles Fachkompetenzzentrum 2017 - VCC Textilien (WIWeB) - Smarte Textilien als Cyber-Physikalisches System
- Presentation of CHEST @ Automotive News Europe Congress Munich
- Artikel: Augmented Reality wird ganze Unternehmen verändern
- Artikel: Augmented Reality hilft den Durchblick zu behalten, 2015
- Virtuelles Fachkompetenzzentrum 2016- VCC Textilien (WIWeB) - Datenerfassung, -verarbeitung und Nutzung beim Telemonitoring
- Invited speaker at Automobilwoche Kongress: T-Systems Breakfast: "Digital ist real - Augmented Reality in der automobilen Wertschöpfung: zwischen Zukunftshype und Killerapplikation", 2015
- Haniel Group Conference Participation (ILAS System in cooperation with ProGlove), 2015
- Exhibition of Siemens Project: Intelligent Context Aware City Hub Project at IAA, 2015
Loading publications...
Please find underneath the open, in progress and finished theses topics.
In Progress
Guided Research
Qualitative Evaluation of the CHEST 2.0 Medical Advisor User Interface
Constantin Scheuermann
Remote Patient Monitoring Systems (RPMSs) connect medical professionals with patients to provide medical services. RPMSs comprise hardware and software components. Hardware components, such as Smart Textiles, wearables, and sensors, transmit vital parameters of patients. Software components, such as the User Interface (UI), often lack usability. The UI should depict these parameters in a medically oriented way to support decision-making of professionals. We focus on RPMSs that humans use for working ...
Master's Thesis
4D Annotation Tool for Smart Suits
Constantin Scheuermann
Employed personnel executing tasks in extreme environments push themselves to physical and psychological limits. During a mission, they must wear protective suits designed to preserve them from dangers while a remotely located Medical Advisor (MA) monitors physiological strain for detection of injury events. Smart suits tailored with electronic textiles (e-textiles) and small sensors can provide...
Master's Thesis
E-Textiles in the Context of Smart Buildings
Constantin Scheuermann
Environmental conditions have an impact on our health, satisfaction, performance and productivity. Smart buildings allow occupants to gather information about their environment and to influence their indoor environmental quality, e.g. regulating the temperature. Such influences usually affect all occupants ...
Master's Thesis
ECO: A Smart Cooling System for Exoskeletons
Constantin Scheuermann
Exoskeletons for industrial application reduce physical overload of the human body that can occur while holding up or lifting weights. To transmit physical forces, interfaces between exoskeleton and human body are required. These forces generate pressure on the skin that is covered by the interfaces. The thermal energy produced by muscle contractions and friction leads to heat stress and sweating at those areas ...
Master's Thesis
Human-Oriented System Design For Logistics Scenarios: A Smartglove Application
Constantin Scheuermann
The logistics domain has been quick to adopt innovation in the past and has reached a high level of automation. Yet, the flexibility and fine motor skills of human workers are still unmatched by machines. While the tools supporting those human workers have improved over time, there are still cases where they are inadequate. Improved tools can reduce stress on workers and allow to redesign existing workflows and clean them from inefficiencies. In a previous work, Scheuermann et al. used electronic textiles to create a replacement for handheld barcode scanners. They combined a smart glove ...
Bachelor's Thesis
Speech Glove - An Industry 4.0 Logistics Application
Constantin Scheuermann
Humans are an essential part of the area of logistics. They are responsible for managing the warehouse inventory and need to commission products and materials. Supporting them during theses processes is one of the goals of the industry 4.0 movement. Commissioning materials and goods typically follows a workflow that includes identifying, counting and locating materials in inventories. To keep the inventory up-to-date a number of materials ...
Bachelor's Thesis
Remote Patient Monitoring System In Dangerous Environments: A Quantitative Usability Evaluation
Constantin Scheuermann
Remote patient monitoring systems (RPMS) can increase the operational safety in dangerous environments, for example for military personnel during combat. Typically, such systems collect health values of the personnel via sensors. They provide a medical advisor with a user interface (UI) for monitoring these health values. This medical advisor UI aims at facilitating the detection of potentially injured personnel and accelerating their medical treatment. CHEST 2.0 is such a RPMS...
Master's Thesis
A Framework for Data Analytics in Cyber-Physical Systems
Constantin Scheuermann, Andreas Seitz
Cyber-Physical Systems are generating huge amounts of data like sensor observations. This thesis aims to gain insights into these data by providing a generic way to communicate actions in a CPS and visualizing these actions.
Guided Research
An Empirical User Interface Evaluation of a Smart Glove in the Manufacturing Domain
Constantin Scheuermann
This guided research will develop and conduct a field experiment to evaluate different ProGlove user interfaces in practical scenarios.
Master's Thesis
Mobile Augmented Reality based Annotation System for Aircraft Maintenance using a 3D sensor
Constantin Scheuermann
The objective of this project is to improve the collaboration process for physical tasks such as repairing or maintaining of aircraft components as well as machines at industrial plants. For this purpose an Augmented Reality based Annotation System will be developed that runs on mobile hand-held devices using external depth data as input.
Master's Thesis
A Framework for Data Analytics in Cyber-Physical Systems
Constantin Scheuermann, Andreas Seitz
Cyber-Physical Systems are generating huge amounts of data like sensor observations. This thesis aims to gain insights into these data by providing a generic way to communicate actions in a CPS and visualizing these actions.
Bachelor's Thesis
Support to Humans in Human-Centric Cyber-Physical Systems - A Context Aware User Interface
Constantin Scheuermann
This thesis evaluated the applicability of a context aware user interface that guides factory workers during a manufacturing process.
Guided Research
MQTT - Broker for Cyber-Physical Systems
Constantin Scheuermann
A Publish/Subscribe mechanism is not enough to serve the idea of CPS. You will implement and evaluate an extended Service orientated MQTT - Broker offering RESTful Services in combination with Authentication.
Incident Detection ILAS - MES and Backend
Constantin Scheuermann
Cyber-Physical Systems are bridging the cyber and physical world enabling us to monitor and control the physical world. In this master thesis you will do research on how to identify incidents in a real production line. You will bridge the MES and the Incident Assistance System developed in cooperation with T-Systems, TUM and ProGlove. You develop the missing part of incident identification by implementing and evaluating it.