Software Engineering II: Project Organization and Management (IN2083)
Teaching Assistants
TUMOnline link: lecture, exercise
Moodle Page: Moodle
Course Information:
- Language: English
- Type: 2V+2Ü
- ECTS Credits: 5.0
- Prerequisites: Software Engineering 1: Softwaretechnik
- Exercise Portal: Moodle
- Contact: any of the TAs
- Time and Location:
o Lecture: Tuesday 12:15 – 14:00 (starting 8. April 2014)
o Exercise: Wednesday 08:00 – 10:00 (starting 9. April 2014)
o MI HS1
Repeat Exam
- You can register for exam from 01.09.2014 until 15.09.2014.
- Exam will take place on 25th September at 15:00.
- Exam syllabus is the same as for Final Exam.
This lecture is based on interaction. Your laptop is required, so bring one. If you don’t have one, bring a smart phone or a tablet.
Desired outcome:
Participants can learn and apply the basic techniques and methods of project organization and management that are used when complex software systems are developed.
- There is no single textbook. For each lecture we are using several sources, which are going to be published incrementally.
- As a bibliography tool, we are using Mendeley. The URL to the bibliography of all papers mentioned in the lecture can be found here: POM Literature.