15-413 Software Engineering - Fall 1996

OWL I: Object-Oriented Workplace Laboratory

Text of OMG Award Plaque

Certificate of Achievement

This certificate is given in recognition of Carnegie Mellon University's outstanding application for the Object Management Group's CORBA/IIOP contest. The application, "Object-Oriented Workplace Laboratory." exemplifies the creativity and originality as well as practicality that Carnegie Mellon University exhibited in breaking new ground with this technology.

This Award Presented To

15-413 Software Engineering, Fall 1996

School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

Christopher M. Stone
President and CEO
Object Management Group


Object Management Group

Richard M. Soley
Vice President of Technology
Object Management Group


This page is hosted by the Chair for Applied Software Engineering of the Technische Universität München.
Imprint (Impressum)