Getting Started Guide:
Introducing Together


Using the Documentation

View: You concentrate on the diagrams and the visual elements that comprise them
Data Structure: You concentrate on the modeling and/or the UML concepts behind diagrams or source code
Code: You concentrate purely on the source code

Word usage conventions

Viewpoint: Visual Data Structure Code
Term: Class node icon Class node
Class declaration
Typeface Meaning
Monospace type Monospaced type represents text as it appears on screen or in code. It also represents anything you must type.
[ ] Square brackets in text or syntax listings enclose optional items. Do not type the brackets.
< > Angle brackets in text or syntax listings indicate a variable string; type in a string appropriate for your code. Do not type the angle brackets. Angle brackets are also used for HTML tags.
Boldface Boldfaced words in text represent programming language reserved words or compiler options.
Italics Italicized words represent programming language identifiers, such as names of variables, classes, interfaces, components, properties, methods, and events. Italics are also used for new terms being defined. Italics used in hyperlinks mean the link leads to a definition of the word(s).

    Context menu
      Menus that display when you right-click on objects in the Together user interface (including elements in diagrams). Most objects have a context menu. Names of context menus parallel the objects to which they pertain. For example, the context menu for a Class node icon is referred to as the "Class context menu". A complete reference for all context menus is provided in the User Reference- Context menus.
      Essentially identical to the UML definition, element also refers generally to atomic constituents of a Together diagram. Thus, "the currently selected element" may be a class or package node icon, a class or interface member, or a link icon (Association, Aggregation, etc.)
      A graphical symbol in a diagram that visually represents an element in the system model. Examples of icons: 
      • Navigation pane's Directory tab displays icons representing directories, packages, diagrams, and source files.
      • Diagram toolbar buttons are used to create diagram elements that are represented visually by icons.
      • Package, Class, Interface, Note, Object (Class diagram)
      • Generalization, Implementation, Association, Aggregation, Dependency, Note Link, Instantiation (Class diagram)
      • Use Case, Actor, Communicates, Extends, Uses (Use Case diagram)
    1. In Java, a grouping of classes explicitly declared with Java syntax. (This is a grouping by putting package statements in source code; the classes might be physically located in multiple directories.)
    2. In Java, a grouping of classes implicitly declared by placing them in the same directory. (This is a grouping resulting by location in the same directory; Java syntax remains unaffected.)
    3. In other languages, a grouping of classes is implicitly declared by placing them in the same directory.
      An area within a node icon that contains other elements. Sections are referred to by the name of the element they contain. For example, the icon for a Class node has three sections: Name section, Attributes section, and Operations section (see illustration). 
Figure 1.2. A class node icon and its sections.

Starting Together

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