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public interface IServer_Session
Interface for an object which will exist on the server, with a proxy controlled by the client

Will Ross

Variable Index

 o port
Port number on server that is being used for session.

Method Index

 o Close_Session()
Close current session.
 o Kill_Request()
Kill current request.
 o Ping()
Used for network monitoring purposes.
 o Request_Data(String)
Request data from server-side database object.


 o port
 public static final int port
Port number on server that is being used for session.


 o Close_Session
 public abstract void Close_Session()
Close current session.

 o Request_Data
 public abstract boolean Request_Data(String request)
Request data from server-side database object.

request - ID of data requested.
True unless errors were encountered in request.
 o Kill_Request
 public abstract void Kill_Request()
Kill current request.

 o Ping
 public abstract int Ping()
Used for network monitoring purposes.

1 always. Time for request completion is used as ping result.

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