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public class MulticastAgent
extends Object
implements IMulticastAgent, Serializable
This is a local object container used to hold objects to be linked in a multicasting network.

Barrett Trask
See Also:

Constructor Index

 o MulticastAgent()
Constructor used to initialize the neighbors of this MulticastAgent.
 o MulticastAgent(MulticastAgent[])
Constructor used to initialize the neighbors of this MulticastAgent.

Method Index

 o add(Object)
Function to add objects to agent to allow message delivery.
 o connect(IMulticastAgent)
Create a connection to another MulticastAgent.
 o contains(Object)
Check if an object is contained in this agent.
 o disconnect(IMulticastAgent)
Delete a connection to another MulticastAgent.
 o getContents()
Get an array of all objects contained by this agent.
 o getISubspace()
 o getSubspace()
 o isNeighbor(IMulticastAgent)
Checks if the agent is connected.
 o multicast(String, Object[], String)
Mutlicast to objects or interfaces contained within a set of interconnected agents.
 o publish(EventObject, Topic)
Publish an event on a given topic in a set of interconnected agents.
 o remove(Object)
Function to remove objects from agent.


 o MulticastAgent
 public MulticastAgent()
Constructor used to initialize the neighbors of this MulticastAgent.

 o MulticastAgent
 public MulticastAgent(MulticastAgent neighborList[])
Constructor used to initialize the neighbors of this MulticastAgent.

neighborList - List of MulticastAgents to connect to this new agent.


 o connect
 public void connect(IMulticastAgent newNeighbor)
Create a connection to another MulticastAgent.

newNeighbor - The agent to make the new connection to.
 o disconnect
 public void disconnect(IMulticastAgent oldNeighbor)
Delete a connection to another MulticastAgent.

oldNeighbor - The neighboring agent to remove its connection.
 o isNeighbor
 public boolean isNeighbor(IMulticastAgent agent)
Checks if the agent is connected.

agent - The agent whose connection is being checked.
True if the agent is a connected neighbor, false otherwise.
 o add
 public void add(Object newObject)
Function to add objects to agent to allow message delivery.

newObject - The reference to the object to be inserted into the agent.
 o remove
 public void remove(Object oldObject)
Function to remove objects from agent.

oldObject - An object within an agent to be removed.
 o getContents
 public Object[] getContents()
Get an array of all objects contained by this agent.

An array of objects.
 o contains
 public boolean contains(Object object)
Check if an object is contained in this agent.

object - The object reference to check.
True if the object is here, false otherwise.
 o multicast
 public void multicast(String methodSig,
                       Object args[],
                       String className)
Mutlicast to objects or interfaces contained within a set of interconnected agents.

methodSig - The method name if unique. The entire signature with parameter types specified in parentheses.
args - An array of object to pass to the method as arguments.
className - The name of a class or interface contained within an agent
 o publish
 public void publish(EventObject event,
                     Topic topic)
Publish an event on a given topic in a set of interconnected agents. Only objects that implement the event listener interface will be able to receive events.

event - A java event.
topic - A hierarchical string, delineated with '.', of topic fields. Wildcards '*' and "<" may be used. '*' matches for next field. '<' matches for all remaining fields.
 o getSubspace
 public Subspace getSubspace()
The private subspace member.
 o getISubspace
 public ISubspace getISubspace()
A proxy of the private subspace member cast into an interface.

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