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public class CClient
extends Object
implements IClient
Object residing on client machine. Takes requests for data and talks to the server to complete requests.

Will Ross

Constructor Index

 o CClient(String, IServer)
Creates a local client object.

Method Index

 o endXmit()
Called by our Session when it's done sending objects.
 o getName()
Returns the name of the object.
 o getNumObjects()
Returns total number of objects being sent.
 o getPercent()
Returns percentage of objects received.
 o killDownload()
Tell our Session to stop sending and die.
 o receiveObject(DataObject)
Receive next object in series from Session.
 o request(DataObject)
Make a request to the Server object to start sending data.
 o startXmit(int)
Called by our Session when it wants to start sending.
 o waitForDone()
Waits until all packets have been received.
 o waitForNum(int)
Waits until a specified number of objects have been transmitted.
 o waitForPct(int)
Waits until a specified percent of the objects have been transmitted.


 o CClient
 public CClient(String s,
                IServer server)
Creates a local client object.

s - Naming Service name of this object.
server - Proxy to Server object residing on server machine.


 o request
 public synchronized Vector request(DataObject req) throws PaidNetworkRuntimeException
Make a request to the Server object to start sending data.

req - DataObject containing request.
A Vector that will contain returned DataObjects.
 o startXmit
 public synchronized void startXmit(int len)
Called by our Session when it wants to start sending.

len - Number of objects that will be sent.
 o getNumObjects
 public int getNumObjects()
Returns total number of objects being sent.

number of objects being sent.
 o getPercent
 public int getPercent()
Returns percentage of objects received.

Percent of objects received.
 o killDownload
 public synchronized void killDownload()
Tell our Session to stop sending and die.

 o receiveObject
 public synchronized void receiveObject(DataObject object)
Receive next object in series from Session.

object - The next object.
 o endXmit
 public synchronized void endXmit()
Called by our Session when it's done sending objects.

 o waitForPct
 public synchronized void waitForPct(int wait_percent) throws PaidNetworkRuntimeException
Waits until a specified percent of the objects have been transmitted.

 o waitForNum
 public synchronized void waitForNum(int wait_num) throws PaidNetworkRuntimeException
Waits until a specified number of objects have been transmitted.

 o waitForDone
 public synchronized void waitForDone()
Waits until all packets have been received. Wakes up when notify() is called from endXmit.

 o getName
 public String getName()
Returns the name of the object. Used in unbinding.

Name this object is (should be) bound to.

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