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The modeling subsystem allows Sauthoring of a description of an F18 airplane with a CAD tool, providing different Qviews, such as a wireframe view, that can be overlaid on the real airplane. The Waugmented reality subsystem provides location information of the airplane with respect Mto the mobile mechanic performing the maintenance. The inspection subsystem Tprovides the capability to do an inspection based on IETM documents. The mechanic Zadds an annotation ("virtual sticky") to the repair location, by pointing to a specific Ylocation at the airplane, indicating any discovered discrepancy and type of repair. The Nrepair subsystem provides the capability to perform maintenance procedures as Vdescribed in a work order. It helps the user to locate the stickies associated with a Tspecific airplane, and to perform the maintenance procedure interactively by using @voice input and output.  UThe notification subsystem provides a publisher/subscriber mechanism , which allows 0Xcreators of information to reach authors or mechanics within the organization that have @Texpressed their interest, explicitly or implicitly, in receiving this information. {UT UT`Development Environment | QThe developers of the STARS System may make use of the facilities offered in the 0+Sclusters on the CMU Campus as well as the Software Engineering Laboratory located Sin Building D, room 154A. While the clusters are shared with other students taking [other courses, the resources at the software engineering lab are to be used solely for the Udevelopment of the STARS System. The Software Engineering Laboratory offers a set of Q9 PCs running Windows NT and Linux as well as 6 Macintosh running MacOS 8.6. UThese machines are connected via a local Ethernet. The following software tools are @used during development. ` Lotus Notes. GThis is a groupware tool, designed to facilitate communication between 0Rmembers of a large, geographically diverse group working on the same project. It Xprovides persistent document storage and address book functionality. Inherent security Qfeatures allow content to be provided over the Internet, with complex permission @ options. 2` Together/J kF Together/J is a CASE tool supporting the model-based development of 0Qsystems written in Java. It provides capabilities for UML modeling and supports Pround-trip re-engineering between models and source code. It also automatically @Mgenerates relevant documentation off comments in the models and source code. E ` JavaDoc. G GThis tool generates API documentation from the comments of Java source .@5code. The documentation is provided in HTML format. C`CVS CNCVS is a version control system. Users check out code, work on it, and check pQTfunctional code back in. The system allows for multiple users to be working on the Wsame code, and supports the merging of multiple changes by different users to the same Tversion of code. It uses a client-server model, allowing the checkout of code from Sremote locations. CVS was originally linux-based, but a WWW interface (CVSWeb) is HHˆ8HHˆ\ ld: Z&6 Z&66  6 6  ! HHˆ: HHˆ))@now available. <`ACS L ACS (Automated Conversion System) converts legacy technical manuals into 0+WIETMs. ACS consists of a series of automated steps that minimize the human interaction Rnecessary to convert paper-based documents into IETMs. More information on ACS @>can be found at http://www.lmco.com:80/lmis/level4/acs.html. ?\` AIMSS H\H AIMSS (Advanced Integrated Maintenance Support System) is a tool for 0jVconstructing and authoring IETM databases, maintaining the databases, and using the Udatabases for the delivery of information to a user. The AIMSS authoring environment Wprovides the tools used to create, delete, modify, and maintain all aspects of an IETM Odatabase development project. More information on AIMSS can be found at http://@ www.htsc.com/AIMSS/AIMSS.HTML. }UTUT`Teams ~ SSeveral teams have been defined to work on the STARS prototype. A coach has been 0Rassigned to each of these teams to guide them during the development. The initial @>definition of responsibilities for each team is shown below.  `! Authoring (Coach: Grace Ritter) >`Create and annotate IETMs ;(`,Provide web-based display tools for IETMs ! QInvestigate tools that can derive a DTD (Data technical documentation) from a @#UML object model and vice versa. b`Interface to ACS and AIMSS `MBecome familiar with IETM-based authoring and viewing based on SGML and XML z` Workflow (Coach: Grace Ritter) `@Provide a review and quality control process for IETM documents P`)Submit IETM documents to a IETM database V`CDetect changes/annotations in IETM documents and notify the author Z`JCreate a repair work order and notify subscriber for this type of repair ![ KProvide synchronous and asynchronus notification for the inspection/repair @ scenarios !O QInvestigate tools and products for the automatic creation of workflows such as @IETMs and work orders.  `%Modeling Team (Coach: David Garmire) A`DCreate a "real airplane" (Provide a physical model of an airplane) &`$Provide a UML model of an airplane  `Provide a wireframe view `CProvide a web-based navigation through a 3-D model of the airplane  `)Investigate web-based CAD modeling tools j`&Augmented Reality (Coach: Eric Stein) S@{ SProvide location information for the airplane (Where is the airplane and how is it HHˆ: HHˆ  ld;  HHˆ;HHˆz)) @@3oriented with respect to a 3-D coordinate system?) 1K OProvide location information for the mechanic performing maintenance (where do @1the mechanics stand, and where do they look at?) ! TProvide an overlay of the wireframe view onto the "real" airplane from the position @of the mechanic. `DInvestigate technologies for location identification such as GPS.  h`6Inspection Team (Coaches: Zia Syed and Tom Hawley) y`1Perform an inspection based on an IETM document 1 TCreate an annotation ("virtual sticky") by pointing to a specific location at the @Eairplane, indicating the discovered discrepancy and type of repair N`$Add this annotation to a workorder. !L TInvestigate multimodal input devices such as datagloves and identification devices @such as component tags. `5 Repair Team ( Coaches: Pooja Saksena, Tom Hawley) ]`9Perform maintenance procedures described in a work order `8Locate the virtual stickies associated with an airplane !^ QProvide capabilities to perform the maintenance procedure interactively without @@HI0jHR HR Footnote Hrؾj(u>?AHrؾjHzHz Single LineH(v>@CBBFootnote 2A  HDj(x>ADHDjHH Double LineH(y>CGEF Double Line6DF8DEH(|>DIHH Single Line;GHZ(~>GJ TableFootnote EGrOSj(>IEGrOSjEPwEPw TableFootnoted(MM HHˆKHHˆ} "",1M1@h  4 ]`Problem Statement 5UTUQ`7STARS: Sticky Technology for Augmented Reality Systems 7UTUO` Introduction U YWith the increasing complexity of systems such as automobiles, trucks, airplanes, trains 0Vor power plants, access to maintenance procedures at the place of work is essential. MCurrent maintenance procedures for these systems are costly and inefficient. VInformation quickly goes out-of-date and maintenance manuals are often only available Vas hardcopy or on workstations far away from the airplane or automobile. In addition, Tthe maintenance information is not tailored to the actual work order, requiring the Vmechanic to perform unnecessary steps before viewing the information that is actually @needed to perform the repair. yUTAUM` The Problem U SThe F/A-18 "Hornet" Program Office, PMA-265, has been asked to reduce the cost for 0cRlogistics support and maintenance while improving or at least maintaining current @aircraft readiness. S YThe cost of electronic data required for the aircraft, especially when it has already 0Wbeen authored in a proprietary format or is available only in paper form, is enormous. PSome solutions to the problem of reducing costs are available. For example, an MAutomated Conversion System (ACS), when coupled to an Interactive Electronic QTechnical Manual (IETM) authoring tool, lowers technical manual conversion cost @significantly.  SThis process has allowed the program office to lower by more than 33% the cost of 0Tconverting its F/A-18 C&D organizational-level technical manuals to IETMs. However, Uthe program office cannot afford to do the same for F/A-18 A&B technical manuals and Trelated data (e.g., logbooks) because they are all paper-based documents, i.e., not @available in electronic form. #% ZAnother source of high costs is the business process currently used to acquire the data p3Xfor an aircraft. Today, the prime contractor (e.g., Boeing for the F/A-18) receives the Ttechnical data for the various subsystems from the Original Equipment Manufacturers V(OEMs), such as General Electric for F/A-18 engines. The system prime contractor then Wintegrates the data into the technical manuals that get delivered with the system. The Nlabor and overhead rates of these aerospace contractors are very high and are Ncompounded by the charges added by the system prime contractor to integrate, HHˆKHHˆPLL ldPP HHˆNHHˆƒ**P#@Aprovide quality control (QC), and deliver the technical manuals. (UTUT` Proposal $ jIn this project we are asking you to build a system called STARS -  S ticky  T echnology 0Gufor  A ugmented  R eality  S ystems. STARS attempts to reduce the cost of logistics support @Tand maintenance while improving or at least maintaining current aircraft readiness. Fg NTo address the problem, we propose the improvement of two major processes: 0uNdeveloping & managing interactive electronic technical manuals and performing @-maintenance with advanced capability IETMs. c TThe process of developing&managing of IETMs itself consists of three activities: 1) 0Vauthoring of IETMs, 2) release of IETMs to maintenance organizations and 3) authoring @"and release workflow management. 8 MThe authoring of IETMs from paper documents is to be done in two stages. The 0Vdigitizing stage is to be done by Alaskan Native and American Native firms. They will Tuse text and graphic conversion tools and apply QC techniques to produce electronic Sdata, which is then provided to IETM authoring systems. The White House, Congress, Rand the Native American Marketing Corporation (NAMCOR) are backing this effort to Oprovide meaningful employment for Alaskan Natives and American Natives without @%leaving their current communities. s) TThe conversion stage, performed by F/A-18 engineers and technical manual writers at 07Qthe F/A-18 Fleet Support Organization in San Diego, California converts the now-Wdigitized data into IETMs. Over time, this conversion may also be done by the Alaskan @Natives and American Natives. e WThe digitized data is then converted into IETMs using the authoring systems located at 0sRthe F/A-18 Fleet Support Organization at San Diego, CA where F/A-18 engineers and Ttechnical manual writers do the work. Over time, this authoring may also be done by @*the Alaskan Natives and American Natives. < UIETM authoring is also done by the OEMs and Boeing (for the aircraft itself) using a 0Tstandard authoring system and data direct from the engineering CAD systems used in @"the manufacturing design process. > TThe output of the various IETM authoring efforts is transferred electronically to a 0Wcentral IETM Integration Database at the F/A-18 Fleet Support Organization for quality Ycontrol and integration into a release version of the IETMs. The release version is then Otransferred electronically to the IETM Operational Database where the new IETM Uversions are used to incrementally update the IETMs in use by the F/A-18 maintenance Sorganizations. This is done by electronically updating the IETM databases in those @organizations. @5 NThis IETM release process is to be supported by a Distributed Development and 0CSManagement System (DDMS) that provides support for collaboration and coordination Vamong the various organizations, visibility into the structure and state of the IETMs Ounder development, awareness of the process state, and validation of the IETM @development tool set. Q, RThe process of performing maintenance with advanced IETM capabilities consists of HHˆNHHˆMSOO ldSS HHˆQHHˆk((S,Ttwo activities: 1) IETM-based inspections and 2) IETM-based repair. In the F/A-18 0Xmaintenance organizations, inspections of the aircraft are performed with check lists Tprovided in one section of the IETM. The result of an IETM-based inspection is a Zlisting of discrepancies that are assigned as repair tasks in work orders for technicians \to correct them (Repair tasks are also created by system faults identified during flight or Vfrom periodic maintenance schedules). The technician makes an IETM-based repair by @Ointeractively following a procedure provided in another section of the IETM. CUTyUT` Scenarios  TIn the following sections we describe several scenarios that the STARS System must 0Wsupport to deal with the above processes. These scenarios must be demonstrated at @the end of this project. E` Authoring of IETMS   QJim, one of the Document Specialists from the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation 0 W(ASRC) receives the task to convert the paper technical manual to digital data for the VGE 404 engine used in the F/A-18 A&B aircraft. He scans the technical manual into the SAutomated Conversion System (ACS) to convert the text and into a companion tool to Uconvert the graphics. Jim then checks the digitized document and corrects the errors Vintroduced by the ACS and graphic tool. The digitized document is then transferred to UAnne, a Quality Controller, who checks the digitized document and returns it Jim for [more corrections. After that iteration, the document is signed out for release to the next Zstep in the process, the addition of links and structure to the digital document using an @:AIMSS IETM authoring system by a Technical Manual Writer. Gm` Process Workflow Management   PCourt, the Process Manager at ASRC checks the status of work in his Distributed 0JDevelopment and Management System (DDMS) and notes that the GE 404 engine Rtechnical manual digitized document is due out today. He checks with the Document VSpecialist and finds that the document will be ready in one hour. He then initiates a PVideo Teleconference (VTC) with Andrew, the Process Manager at the F/A-18 Fleet OSupport Organization at San Diego, and they coordinate transferring the engine @Ndocument to the IETM Integration Database at the Fleet Support Organization.  VAt the Fleet Support Organization, the digitized document is transferred to the AIMSS 0NIETM authoring system and converted into an IETM by Sam, a Technical Manual QWriter. Using the DDMS, the IETM is checked by Anne, the quality controller. An Yengineer from Boeing is brought into a VTC to correct a technical detail in a procedure. WFinally, the new IETM is signed off, and again using the DDMS, the IETM is transferred @Relectronically for integration into a release version of the IETMs and final QC. = OThe manager of the IETM Integration Database process coordinates with the IETM pKMOperational Database manager using the DDMS and the release version is then Qtransferred electronically to the IETM Operational Database for release to fleet @maintenance organizations. HHˆ QHHˆPVRR ld$VV HHˆTHHˆ€++Vu`' Release to maintenance organizations   TThe manager of the IETM Operational Database authorizes the new IETM versions to be 0(Qincrementally added to the IETMs in use by the F/A-18 Maintenance Organizations. @QThis is done by electronically updating the IETM servers in those organizations. IP` Inspections b PAirman Smith reports to work at his Fighter Attack squadron aboard the USS Carl 0pUVinson and logs into the maintenance computer in his Airframes shop to see what jobs Uhave been assigned to him. He sees that his first work order is to perform a 14 day Wperiodic corrosion inspection of an F/A-18E aircraft, bureau number 176089. According Tto the computer, this aircraft is parked in Hangar Bay 1. He dons his new wireless TPortable Electronic Display Device (PEDD) inspection assistant and performs a quick Ncalibration and operational checkout before heading down to the Hangar Bay to Qperform his corrosion inspection. Once at the aircraft, Airman Smith begins the Qinspection by reading IETM instructions from his Head-Mounted Display (HMD). As [he looks over each part of the aircraft on the inspection list, he enters discrepancies by Ztouching the part of the aircraft which has a problem, and then selecting the appropriate \discrepancy (corrosion, crack, fluid leak, etc.) and severity (minor, major) from a short Wlist. The system notes the location of the discrepancy on the aircraft based upon the Vinputs from Airman Smith's data glove. The discrepancy is then entered in the system Sas a virtual "sticky note" on the computer model of the aircraft. The sticky notes Wcontains all the necessary details. Once Airman Smith has completed the inspection, he Qreturns to his Airframes shop where he downloads the inspection results into the Pmaintenance computer system. His discrepancies are then incorporated into work @Xorders by Maintenance Control for dispatch to the appropriate work centers for repair. Mx`Unscheduled Maintenance  UAviation Electronics Technician First Class (AT1) Chandler is beeped on her wireless 0 UPEDD to proceed to the Flight Deck and trouble-shoot a problem with the APG-73 radar Xon aircraft 301. She needs to determine if the aircraft can be made mission ready for a [flight in 65 minutes. In the three minutes it takes Chandler to reach the aircraft, her Sher PEDD has downloaded the work order with the problem reported on the radar and Uthe troubleshooting IETMs. As Chandler crawls under the aircraft to reach one of the Xsystem components mounted inside the belly of the aircraft, the area becomes too tight Vto use her HMD, so she switches to audio control. The trouble-shooting steps are then Oread to AT1 Chandler through her earphones. By carrying on a dialogue with the LPEDD, the trouble shooting IETM leads her to discover that the Radar CPU is @+malfunctioning and needs to be replaced. ( SShe transmits this information to her supervisor requesting that the spare part be p6Udelivered to the aircraft by the other technican required to aid in the repair. Her Qsupervisor, Senior Chief John, checks with both Material Control and Maintenance VControl, who finds that an acceptable spare CPU is available and that the work can be Saccomplished in time for the aircraft to launch in 42 minutes. John then notifies SChandler to start removing the defective CPU and dispatches AT2 Nusebaum to obtain Ythe replacement CPU and deliver it to the aircraft. Together, the technicans remove the HHˆ'THHˆSYUU ldYY HHˆWHHˆ}))YUdefective unit and replace it with the spare. AT1 Hartley from QC verifies that the 0[repair is correct and all involved apply electronic signatures to the work order releasing Wthe aircraft for its next mission with 12 minutes remaining to fuel and arm. Nusebaum Otakes the removed component to turn in for repair while Chandler downloads all Uinformation collected about the defective CPU from her wireless PEDD to the squadron @maintenance system server. QUTkUT`Preliminary Analysis 6 TA preliminary analysis of the problem has already been performed which has resulted 0Uin a set of functional and nonfunctional requirements describing the functions to be Mperformed by the system and constraints. Please use the scenarios and these Vrequirements as the basis for your interviews with the client during the requirements Oanalysis phase of STARS. We expect that the requirements will undergo several @Eincremental and iterative changes as a result of the analysis phase. rUTUR`Functional Requirements &`7The STARS System must support the following functions: %`Create and annotate IETMS =`.Provide a web-based display tools for IETMs \`Interface to ACS g`Interface to AIMSS l`@Provide a review and quality control process for IETM documents m`)Submit IETM documents to a IETM database n`CDetect changes/annotations in IETM documents and notify the author o`JCreate a repair work order and notify subscriber for this type of repair !p KProvide synchronous and asynchronus notification for the inspection/repair @ scenarios `CProvide a web-based navigation through a 3-D model of the airplane !` RProvide location information of the airplane (Where is the airplane and how is it @3oriented with respect to a 3-D coordinate system?) !a RProvide location information for the mechanics performing the maintenance (where @4do the mechanics stand, and where do they look at?)  `;Provide an inspection checklist based on an IETM document !  TCreate an annotation ("Virtual sticky") by pointing to a specific location at the @Eairplane, indicating the discovered discrepancy and type of repair e`KProvide audio/visual maintenance procedures as described in the work order d`ABe able to locate the space stickies associated with an airplane ! QProvide capabilities to perform the maintenance procedure interactively without @ }DD|JpDK Wv e }$z DJV $z K WweSystem Macros }z DJz K Wye }z DJz K Wze }\z DJ\z K W{e }$hDJ $hK W| e Macro Name }hDJ hK W} e Replace With }hDJ hK W~ eHead }\hDJ \hK W e Comments }$h:DJ $h:K W e StartOfDoc }h:DJ h:K W e }h:DJh::K Y4e ����e <$defaulttitle> ����e A0e }\h:DJ)\h:K W e }$hDJ$hK W eEndOfLastSubDoc }hDJhK W  e }hDJhK W  e }\hDJ|\hK W  e }$xh:DJ$xh:K W  eStartOfLastSubDoc }xh:DJxh:K W  e }xh:DJxh::K 4e ����e <$defaulttitle> ����e A6e }\xh:DJ\xh:K W e }$hhDJ $hhK W eEndOfFirstSubDoc }hhDJhhK W e }hhDJhhK W e }\hhDJ\hhK W e }$.h:DJ$$.h:K W eStartOfFirstSubDoc }.h:DJ.h:K W e }.h:DJ .h::K 4e w����e <$defaulttitle> ����e A4e }\.h:DJ\.h:K W e }$hDJ("$hK W e EndOfSubDoc }hDJ!#hK W e }hDJ"$hK W e }\hDJ#\hK W e }$h:DJ,&$h:K W eStartOfSubDoc }h:DJ%'h:K W e }h:DJ&(h::K v4e i����e <$defaulttitle> q����e A1e }\h:DJ'!\h:K W e }$hDJ*$hK W  e EndOfDoc }hDJ)+hK W! e }hEJ*,hK W" e }\hEJ+%\hK W# e } E8!Q0 " !G-eHTML Options Table } E:! 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