Call For Papers

This workshop is a forum for authors to present their early research findings in the field of Cyber-Physical Systems in the context of Smart Cities. The workshop aims at overviews, theoretical approaches, tools and frameworks, applications, system infrastructures and test beds for Cyber-Physical Systems. The following list depicts the main fields of interest:

  • Theoretical foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Smart City applications
  • Smart Environments
  • Novel Industrial Applications of Cyber-Physical (Human) Systems
  • Detailed Case Studies
  • Infrastructure Applications for Smart Cities
  • Security/Privacy
  • Architecture and Modeling of Cyber-Physical Social Systems and Cyber-Physical Human Systems
  • System Abstraction of Cyber-Physical Systems

We expect novel approaches for the deployment and application of Cyber-Physical (Human) Systems in the Context of Smart Cities. The objective of is to bring together researchers from different domains and backgrounds to explore innovative, exciting, and fresh ideas for the design and development of Cyber-Physical (Human) Systems.

Important Requirements for Submissions

Max. Pages 6
Submission Format LNI format
Submission Website Easychair 

Each submission will be reviewed by min. two members of the programme committee, judging the paper on its topicality, scientific merits and overall quality. All accepted papers will be published as CEUR Proceedings.


Important Dates

19 December 2015

10 January 2015

Deadline for Paper Submission extended. Due to authors request we extended the deadline to 10 January 2015



20 January 2016 Acceptance Notification  UPDATED
20 January 2016 Registration for Authors  
24 January 2016 Submission of camera ready version  
23 February 2016 Workshop  



Discussion Panel: The Future of Smart Cities


As part of the CPSSC Workshop a Panel about The Future of Smart Cities with well known experts in the area of Smart Cities, Cyber-Physical Systems and Smart Office Environments is organized. The discussion will be moderated by Prof. Bernd Brügge, PhD.


Panel Discussion Members