Research Group for Applied Software Engineering
Forschungsgruppe für Angewandte Softwaretechnik

Doctorate Seminar at Kreuzeck

Last week we all attended our Chair for Applied Software Engineering Doctorate Seminar at Kreuzeck. All of our researchers had the chance to present their current results, and we had productive discussions as to which direction the research should follow. In true alpine fashion, a few of us also went for a hike at the Osterfelderkopf.   
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TUM Open House Day

On Saturday, October 13th, we took part of the TUM Open House Day (Tag der offenen Tür). There, Constantin Costescu, a master student's at our chair, presented his thesis project. In order to show the advances and possibilities in the autonomous driving sector, we had two different toy cars compete against each other. One driven by kids attending the event, and one in self-driving mode. The self-driving car was equipped with a Raspberry Pi, which used a camera and a neural network to detect the lanes, and steer the wheels in the correct direction. 

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