Short CV | Research Interests | Professional Activities | Projects | Publications | Teaching
Prof. Dr. Walid Maalej
Dipl. Inf. Univ.
I moved to the University of Hamburg, where I am now leading the research group on Mobile Services and Software Engineering. You can still contact me under my TUM contact data, but this website will not be maintained anymore. My new blog and webpage will be linked here soon.
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Address: Technische Universität München Institut für Informatik I1 85748 Garching b. München Germany E-Mail: Consultation hours by appointments |
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Walid Maalej was leading a research group on human and context aspects in software at the Technische Universität München (TUM). He studied computer science at TUM and at the National University of Singapore. He holds a Ph.D. degree on Intention-Based Integration of Software Engineering Tools. He also received a degree in Technology Management from the Center for Digital Technology and Management, an institution of the Bavarian Elite Network.
Walid published more than 30 peer-reviewed papers in renowned venues. He served as organizer, chair, and program committee member of national and international conferences in the fields Software Engineering, Requirements Engineering, Project Management and Knowledge Management.
Walid served as consultant and developer for several companies including mediawave, Siemens (Germany and Singapore), Deutsche Telecom, TCW management consulting, Rohde & Schwarz, and TCS. He is the initiator of the open source platform TeamWeaver and the scientific coordinator of the EU-Funded project FastFix.
Walid was distinguished by the Werner-von-Siemens-Ring foundation as the Junior Researcher in Computer Science for 2011-2013.
Research Interest
General Fields of Expertise:
- (Distributed) Software Engineering
- Requirements Engineering
- Knowledge Management, Ontologies
- Lean Product development
- Semantic Web (Jena, RDF/OWL)
- Object Oriented Programming (UML, Java, Eclipse, OSGi)
Current Research Topics:
- Human factors in engineering
- Context-aware tools for knowledge workers
- Social Software Engineering
- Intelligent and leightweight documentation
- Group mobile applications
- Lightweight knowledge sharing in distributed teams
- Integration of development tools
- Managing knowledge of rapidly changing systems
Professional Activities
- ICSE 2013: 35th International Conference on Software Engineering, San Francisco USA, 2013 (Software Engineering in Practice Program Committee)
- Advances in Recommender Systems, Special Session at the 26th IEA/AIE 2013 Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Co-Chair)
- RE'12: 20th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, Chicago USA (Program Committee)
- OSS 2012 The 8th International Conference on Open Source Systems, Hammamet Tunisia (Program Committee)
- RSSE 2012 Third International Workshop on Recommendation Systems for Software Engineering @ ICSE, Zurich Swizerland (Co-Chair)
- BPMS2’12 The 5th Workshop on Business Process Management and Social Software, Tallinn Estonia, September 2012 (Program Committe)
- SSE'11 International Workshop on Social Software Engineering, Szeged, Hungary, September 2011 (Co-Chair)
- Decisions@RecSys'12 Workshop on Human Decision Making in Recommender Systems, 2011 in Chicago, USA and 2012 in Dublin, Ireland
- The Future of Collaborative Software Development @ CSCW 2012, (Program Committe)
- International Conference on Social Computing and its Applications (SCA), Sydney Australia 2011 (Program Committee)
- International Conference on Web Based Communities and Social Media 2011 , Rome, Italy July 2011 (Program Committee)
- European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, ESEC/FSE 2011, SZEGED Hungary, (New Ideas Track Program Committee)
- RE'11: 19th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, Trento Italy, (Industry Track Program Committee)
- RE'10: 18th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, Sydney Australia (Industry Program Chair)
- Open Design Spaces (ODS 2010), Aarhus, Denmark, August 16 or 17, 2010 (Program Committe)
- RSSE 2010: Second International Workshop on Recommendation Systems for Software Engineering, Cape Town, South Africa (Program Committee)
- MaRK'10: Managing Requirements Knowledge, 3rd International Workshop, Sydney Australia
- SSE'10: 3rd. International Workshop on Social Software Engineering, Padarborn, Germany (Co-Organizer)
- KNOWING@ICGSE 2010: KNOWledge engINeering in Global software development (Program Committee)
- International Workshop on Research 2.0 and Softwarex Engineering, with TOOLS 2010, Málaga, Spain (Program Committee)
- 3PGCIC 2010, 5th. International Conference On P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing - Groupware and Collaborative Systems Track (Program Committee Member).
- Mark'09: Managing Requirements Knowledge, 2nd International workshop collocated with IEEE RE09 in Atlanta, USA (Co-Chair)
- IBM CASCON Workshop on Software Engineering 2.0 & Research 2.0 (Program Committee Member)
- OOPSLA Onward! 09, Orlando, Florida, USA (Publicity Chair)
- Software Engineering 2.0 and Research 2.0 at CASCON 2009, in Toronto, November 2009
- International Workshop on KNOWledge engINeering in Global software development, Collocated with ICGSE 09, Limerick,Ireland (Program Committee Member)
- European Workshop on Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing in Software Engineering SofTEAM'09, collocated with SE'09 in Kaiserslautern (Co-Chair)
- 3. Eclipse Munich DemoCamp (Organizer)
- Mark'08: Managing Requirements Knowledge, International workshop collocated with IEEE RE08 in Barcelona (Co-Chair)
- Eclipse Genymede Munich DemoCamp (Organizer)
- 3. Workshop: Vorgehensmodelle in der Praxis - Werkzeuge und Anwendung (Program Committee Member)
- Workshop "AKNOWLEDGE'08: Agile Knowledge Sharing for Distributed Software Teams" (Co-Chair)
- Workshop "INTEGRA'08: Integration von Prozessen und Werkzeugen im agilen Zeitalter" (Co-Chair)
- Software Engineering Konferenz 2008 (Organization Team)
- PUMBA, Program Understanding Munich Bremen Alliance
- FastFix EU Project, Scientific Coordinator
- IntelliReq Information Needs in Requirements Engineering (with TU Graz)
- Requirements Knowledge Mining (with Tata Research Development and Design Centre)
- Managing Requirements Knowledge Book
- API Knowledge (collaboration with McGill University)
- TeamWeaver Open Source Plattform, Initiator, architect, developer
- Fraise, project lead, architect
- TEAM EU Project, TUM representative, workpackage leader
- Intergartion der Entwicklungsprozesse und Entwicklungstools (with Rohde & Schwarz)
- SweS: Semantic Web Search, developer
You can find a selection of talks a I gave in slide share. For example:
- How Do Professional Developers Comprehend Software?
- On the Socialness of Software
- Oktoberfest Engineering - On the Socialness of Software
- Can Development Work Describe Itself?
- Assisting Engineers in Switching Artifacts
- From Work To Word
- Intention-Based Integration of Software Engineering Tools
- Potential and challenges of recommendation systems in software engineering (Invited Talk at Graz Univeristy of technology)
- Context aware software engineering and maintenance, the FastFix approach (Invited talk at Future Network Summit 2011)
- Insider perspective on the revolution in Tunisia and Egypt
- How Do Developers Blog? An Exploratory Study
Some recent peer-reviewed publications:
- D. Pagano and W. Maalej, How Do Open Source Communities Blogs?, In Empirical Software Engineering, the International Journal. Springer 2012.
- B. Gaudin, M.H. Hinchey, E. Vassev, P. Nixon, J.C. Garcia and W. Maalej, FastFix: A Control Theoretic View of Self-Healing for Automatic Corrective Software Maintenance. In Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, 2012.
- Roehm, R. Tiarks, R. Koschke, W. Maalej, How Do Industry Developers Comprehend Software? In Proceedings of ICSE'2012 International Conference on Software Engineering. IEEE, 2012 (ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper)
- T. Roehm, W. Maalej, Automatically Detecting Developer Activities and Problems in Software Development Work. In Proceedings of ICSE'2012 International Conference on Software Engineering - New Ideas Track (17% acceptance rate), IEEE 2012.
- Yang Li and Walid Maalej. Which Traceability Visualization is Suitable in this Context? A Comparative Study, In Proceedings of the 18th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2012), Springer 2012.
- Walid Maalej and Dennis Pagano, On the Socialness of Software, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Computing and its Applications. IEEE, 2011
How do developers blog?: an exploratory study
Dennis Pagano, Walid Maalej
MSR '11 Proceeding of the 8th working conference on Mining software repositories, 2011- A. Felfernig, C. Zehentner, D. Pagano and W. Maalej, Group Recommendation for Requirements Negotiation, In Proceedings of RecSys'11 Workshop on Human Decision Making in Recommender Systems, to appear, ACM 2011
- Raian Ali, Carlos Solis, Mazeiar Salehie, Inah Omoronyia, Bashar Nuseibeh, and Walid Maalej, Social Sensing: When Users Become Monitors, In Proceedings of the ESEC/FSE’11, Szeged, Hungary, ACM, 2011.
- Social Software Product Lines: a Position Paper, by Raian Ali, Carlos Solis, Fabiano Dalpiaz, Walid Maalej, Paolo Giorgini and Bashar Nuseibeh, In Proceedings of Requirements Engineering for Social Computing, IEEE, 2011.
- Walid Maalej, Intention-Based Integration of Software Engineering Tools, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, 2010, ISBN 978-3-86853-539-6
- Walid Maalej and Alexander Sahm, Assisting Engineers in Switching Artifacts by using Task Semantic and Interaction History, RSSE 2010, ACM
- Alexander Felfernig, Walid Maalej, Monika Schubert and Monika Mandl, Recommendation and Decision Technologies For Requirements Engineering, RSSE 2010, ACM
- Walid Maalej and Hans-Jörg Happel, Can Development Work Describe Itself? In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Conference on Mining Software Repositories, IEEE CS, 2010
- Walid Maalej, Task-First or Context-First? Tool Integration Revisited, In International Conference On Automated Software Engineering IEEE 2009
- Walid Maalej, Hans-Jörg Happel, Asarnusch Rashid: When Users Become Collaborators: Towards Continuous and Context-Aware User Input, In Proceedings of OOPSLA 2009 (Onward!), ACM 2009
- From Work to Words: How do Software Developers Describe Their Work (in Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Conference On Mining Software Repositories, IEEE CS, 2009)
- Walid Maalej and Anil Thurimella. Towards a Research Agenda for Recommendation Systems in Requirements Engineering, In Proceeding of the 2nd Int. Workshop on Managing Requirements Knowledge, IEEE 2009
- Application Of Ontologies in Collaborative Software Engineering, book chapter in Collaborative Software Engineering, Springer 2009
- A Lightweight Approach for Knowledge Sharing in Distributed Software Teams (in Proceedings of the 7th Conference of Practical Aspects on Knowledge Management, LNCS)
- Potentials and Challenges of Recommendation Systems for Software Development (in Proceedings of International Workshop on Recommendation Systems for Software Engineering (RSSE 2008), ACM)
- TEAM: Towards a Software Engineering Semantic Web ( in Proceedings of CHASE'08, ACM)
- Towards Effective Management of Software Engineering Knowledge Exploiting the Semantic Wiki Paradigm (in Proceedings of SE08, LNI)
- From Research to Practice: How do TXT e-solutions Plan to Deploy Innovations in Sharing Development Knowledge (in Workshop Proceedings of SE08, LNI)
- State of the art report: knowledge management in software engineering, Technical report
- State of the art report: contextualisation and personalisation in software engineering, Technical Report
- Domain independent generation and management of user- queries in semantic web environment, Jena User Conference, HP-Labs Bristol
- Cornelia Reinhart, Patrick Rohrmeier, Basar Polat, Walid Maalej: Mobile Operators and Their Role in the M2M Market - A SWOT Analysis, In Wireless Future Studies, no. 3, 2004: Lectures on Pervasive Communications - Trends & Developments that Shape our Wireless Future Mike Olson, Michael Alger (eds.) ISBN 3-00-015100-1
- Mascotmania: Mobile Game for FIFA Word Cup 2006, in Mobile Applications for the Soccer World Cup 2006, Trend Report 2003/2004, BoD?, Norderstedt, ISBN 3-937312-53-6
- Technologies for tracking and localization, in Mobile Applications for the Soccer World Cup 2006, Trend Report 2003/2004, BoD?, Norderstedt, ISBN 3-937312-53-6
Teaching and Supervising
Supervised Courses:
- Lecture: Einführung in die Softwaretechnik (IN0006) / Introduction int Software Engineering TUM Programm Two-In-One
- Doktoranden Seminar / Doctoral Seminar
- Managing Product Development (CDTM Course)
- Seminar Wissensbasiertes Software Engineering
- Knowledge Management in Software Engineering
Supervised PhD students
- Emitza Guzman
- Yang Li
- Hoda Naguib
- Dennis Pagano
- Tobias Röhm
Supervised Research Assistants (at least 4 months):
- Enrique Garcia Perez (Statistical analysis)
- Amel Mahmuzić (Eureka, TeamWeaver, Maven & Eclipse)
- Alexander Sahm (User interface for intention aware infrastructures)
- Jinhui Zhu (Jena development, context representation)
- Niko Tsanakas (context observation in Eclipse)
Free Topics:
There are a plenty of available topics. If you are interested on one of my current research topics (see above), or if you have a thesis idea and want to be supervised by me, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Closed Topic:
- A Self-Managed Context-aware Task List for Supporting Software Engineering Work (Anna Mukha)
- Visualization of the HMI-Specification in Large Automotive Projects (Dong Li, in coorperation with BMW)
- A Tool for Context-Aware Task Recommendation in Software Engineering (Vincenz Dölle)
- Design and Implementation of a Stress Inference Framework by Using Physiological Sensors and Machine Learning (Patrick Blitz MA in Cooperation with the CMU)
Communicating Status in Distributed Teams by using Context and Semantic Technologies. (Aaron Ciaghi, Guided Research in cooperation with University of Trento)
- Ontology-based and Eclipse-integrated Search for Error Experience in Distributed Software Teams (Foued Jaibi)
- Ontology-based and Eclipse-integrated Search for Reuse Experience in Distributed Software Teams (Anna Mukha)
- Assisting Software Engineers in Switching Contexts by using Intentions and Interaction History (Alexander Sahm)
- Using Ontologies to Detect How Software Developers Solve Problems in Eclipse (Tobias Röhm)
- An Empirical Study on the Integration of Software Development Information by Agile Teams (Wei Fang)
- Integrating Development and Workflow Environments by using Ontologies and Metadata, A case study in an SAP Environment at Avarto (Partick Blitz)
- Learning Developers Tasks by Using Bayes Approach (Feng Yu)
- Ontology-Based Description and Identification of Working-Context in Software Engineering (Antonis Gyftakis)
- Fraise: A Framework for Application-independent, Intension-based Software Engineering (Damir Ismailovic)
- Ontology - Based Framework for Sharing Design Pattern Knowledge (Catinca Golesteanu)
- Entwurf und prototypische Implementierung eines Konzeptes für Release Management bei Rohde & Schwarz (Christine Niedermeier, in cooperation with Rohde und Schwarz)
- Formalisierung und Optimierung eines agilen Entwicklungsprozesses bei einem verteilten mittelständigen Softwareunternehmen (Georg Büxel, in coorperation with Hypovereinsbank)
Places I have visited
43 states (18%)