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The current way of configuring a hearing device is quite long and time consuming. You have to go to an audiologist which tests your hearing problem and which evaluates different audio profiles that can increase the amplitude of certain frequencies. Then the hearing device has to be configured which can only be done by the audiologist.
The new way is to support the whole process on the iPad from the recommendation of the correct audio profile to the configuration of the hearing device. The second goal is to provide a set of filters that can suppress certain sounds like e.g. the noises of an airplane or the loud music in the disco to increase the well being of all human, not only of hearing impaired people.
Team members:
Stephan Krusche (Project Leader), Ludwig Eisgruber, Saksham Gautam, Yucheng Jin, Hussein Morsy, Saburo Oktika, Lucas Pizzagalli, Weng Yi Tam
Achim Ittner - Contwist Andreas Perscheid - Soundperience
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A vehicle-demonstrator is being built in the research project e-Performance by end 2012. Innovative functions in the area of electro mobility should be researched, where the main focus lies on mobility and its integration into the current infrastructure. The purpose of this particular project is to control all the dashboard functions by using an Apple iPad of the second generation. Within the scope of this project, a user interaction concept should be elaborated and prototyped. The physical controls are going to be replaced by an iPad 2. Furthermore a communication interface is to be implemented and specified, in order to connect the iPad to the vehicle. The main success criteria is to come up with a new UI concept, which enables operating the iPad during driving and hereby minimizes the amount of time which is spent on finding UI elements to touch. This UI concept should be implemented in a prototype with the key features of the dashboard; namely a calendar function, which integrates with the charging management of the car, basic media functionality and an innovative way of showing 3D models in the app.
Participating students:
Robert Weindl, Patrick de Boer, Michael Stuber, Miroslav Knejp, Jun Chen, Philip Kluz, Michael Schmitt
Thomas Ganslmeier - AUDI Electronic Venture
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Our aim was to develop an application for the iPod touch/iPhone, which allows the user to conduct to classical music. In particular, it should be possible to conduct in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 times and adjust the tempo of the music depending on the pace of the movements. Furthermore, we integrated an orchestra walk-through which makes use of the Gyroscope and gives the listener 3D audio feedback. Last but not least, the iBaton app boasts plenty of information about classical music in general as well as numerous interesting facts about the Bavarian Symphony Orchestra.
Participating students:
Krisna Haryantho, Ahmed Hasan, Fernando Hernandez, Hubert Niedermeier, Franz Saller, Julia Schpakov, Markus Teufel
Key Markl - Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks Christoph Teschner - Algoriddim
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Indoor navigation has been identified as a valuable capability within the airport. On the one hand it can be offered as a service to the guests of the airport, on the other hand, it can support employees while working at the airport. This project deals with indoor navigation at Munich Airport. The possibilities that exist with the latest IOS devices will be evaluated and documented. The analysis of data from the accelerometer, the gyroscope, the Wi-Fi adapter, Bluetooth adapter and the camera are the focus here. There are algorithms implemented for the evaluation of the various data sources. These will then be brought together in a demonstrable prototype.
Participating students:
Daniel Adam, Philipp Freyer, Martina Ruf, Matthias Ruppel, Daniel Stooß
Michael Zaddach - Flughafen München GmbH (FMG) Marc Lindike - Flughafen München GmbH (FMG)
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Our mission was to accomplish an iPad app which should assist market research studies in the following three ways: 1) Enable users to participate and answer survey questions on the survey-able objects based on his current location/context. 2) Track the movements of the user undertaking the survey in any given survey-able premises, thereby assessing the locations where the user cares to spend more time and pattern of multiple user movements 3) Provide the visualization of the user movements to the higher management.
Team members:
Stephan Krusche (Project Leader), Dipak Narayanan Sriram, Daniel Seidl, Meyyar Palaniappan, Kamal Najib, Abderrahmane Hakkou, Paul Muntean, Syed Wahab Ali
Tobias Weishäupl - Linova Andreas Braun - Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung
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USM seeks for mobile solution, as there are new technologies on the market. Therefore the “Emil und Pauline” series are going to be extended on iPads. There is a huge difference between former desktop-based gaming and using a tablet: Parents have the possibility to let their children play when they are near them, because the iPad can easily be carried everywhere. USM wants to make use of this opportunity. It is not required anymore to sit beneath the playing child or to leave the room. Both are unsuitable learning situations which can be avoided with that device.
The most distinctive features of the game are adaptivity and the intuitive use of it. As the game is supposed to be a game for children between the ages of 5-7, it is important that the child can easily play the game without any parental help or reading abilities. The game does not need any inputs of the child e.g. selecting and changing levels. These would distract the child from its learning process . The use is very intuitive and easy. The child knows what to do without long explanations and pop-up information. There are only a few audio instructions, which lead the child through an exciting journey with Emild & Pauline!
Participating students:
Elena Vielva Gomez, Dapeng Liu, Tugba Karaduman, Eduardo Morales, Andrew Darrohn, Blagina Simeonova, Erdisa Subashi
Guido Hirschsteiner - USM
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Many Siemens business units involved in long construction projects such as building a airport baggage handling system. In such projects it is essential to provide task, system and location related information to mobile workers to support their activities and improve the task efficiency and coordination. In addition, mobile workers need to report problems of system parts from the field in good quality, so that the central office understand the problem correctly and is able to react, plan and assign the problem fix and order correct replacement parts if needed.
In general, mobile workers are not able to carry mobile notebook during construction, as they are packed with tools. As such, a system based on mobile devices such as the iPhone shall help mobile workers to perform their tasks.
Participating students:
Arthur Yestabody, Shady Hussein, Martin Perzl, Irfan Basha, Robin Jahson, Roberto Londei
Timo Wolf - Siemens CT
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Icepad is a Multi-company Inventory Management System, containing serveral features like, barcode-scanning, face-recognition, Incentives and more.
It is powered by IceCloud which offers a solid Architecture to store all important Information in a centralized location and therefore allows to add multiple Icepads to your Inventory Management System.
Participating students:
Fabian Petter, Alejandro Rueda, Sebastian Schmidt, Dominique D'Argendt, Zlatina Cheva, Nigar Kurbanova, Mahmut Kafkas, Jan Knobloch
Till Schadde - Equinux Ralf Pfleghar - Equinux
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