Research Group for Applied Software Engineering
Forschungsgruppe für Angewandte Softwaretechnik
1 minute reading time (147 words)

Student assistant wanted: Design of an information system with multiple displays for the ITüpferl

Event at the ITüpferl

We are celebrating 50 years of informatics in Munich and we are looking for a student taking care of an information system including videos, photos and text as well as the design of exhibitions in the ITüpferl. If you don’t know anything about the iTüpferl, find more information at:




Your tasks:

  • Design of the exhibition for 50 years of informatics in Munich and 10 years of iPraktikum in the ITüpferl
  • Design, installation and maintenance of an information system with multiple displays
  • Supervision of the weekly opening hours (2h) of the ITüpferl
  • Event organization (Schülertag, 50 years of informatics in Munich, Tag der offenen Tür)


We are looking for a motivated student with a workload of 5 hours per week for about 6 months. If you are interested, please write an application email with a short motivation and CV to Andreas Seitz (seitz (at)

SIGCSE Workshop „How to Integrate Interactive Lear...
Sign up for the iPraktikum or its related courses ...