Research Group for Applied Software Engineering
Forschungsgruppe für Angewandte Softwaretechnik

Happy World Emoji Day! - Siemens reports about SIEMojis on their research and innovation page.

To celebrate the World Emoji Day last Tuesday, July 17, 2018, Siemens published an article on the future of manufacturing and the use of emojis in the industrial world on its "Pictures of the Future" website. The article refers to the project, SIEMojis, which was implemented in the course of the iPraktikum in the winter semester 2018.

Jochen Nickles, the customer of the Siemens team, is quoted in the article: "Our prototype offers a highly promising means of bringing man and machine closer together."

We are pleased that the results of an iPraktikum have made it to the innovation pages of Siemens. We show that real problems are being worked on in the course of the iPraktikum and that innovations are being driven in the participating companies.

We would like to thank the whole SIEMojis team around project leader Andreas Seitz and coach Marija Jovanović. Thanks to Alina Usova, Anil Karatas, Dmitrii Petukhov, Florian Bodlée, Fridolin Koch and Mykola Vankovych.

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Siemens iPraktikum Team IOT is among the 10 winners of the Siemens Global University Challenge

The Siemens IOT team has successfully won the worldwide Siemens Global University Challenge. With the idea of the IIoT Bazaar, the team around project leader Andreas Seitz and coach Phillip Diller was able to prevail against a multitude of other ideas. The prize is an invitation to a 1-week hackathon at Siemens in Nuremberg. Three of the 10 participants of the iPraktikum will be invited and get the chance to further develop the prototype and get expert feedback. Besides the invitation to Nuremberg, the Challenge is endowed with 1000€.

Details about the idea of the IIoT Bazaar can be found on the pages of the Global University Challenge.

We are delighted that Siemens is setting up such a challenge and opportunity and that we can present and refine our ideas there.

Thanks to the whole Siemens IOT team who made the application possible with a lot of effort and time. Thanks to Moritz Kellermann, Deeksha Sinha, Phuong Mai Mai, Illia Ovchynnikov, Maksym 'Max' Hrinenko, Tim Lewandowski, Ali Abbas Jaffri and Alina Turbina 

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Join our Software Engineering Essentials MOOC - Starting October 24, 2017

Our massive open online course Software Engineering Essentials (SEECx) starts again. Together with the TUM Media Center we developed this course and provide it for learners all over the world on edX. It is an intensive course which is 8 weeks long and will start on October 24, 2017. It includes video lectures, quizzes, modeling and programming exercises and focuses on management, development and patterns. 

The course is free and open to everyone and you will learn: 

  • methods and techniques to develop software for different domains and platforms
  • analyze requirements and transform the problem statement into models using textual analysis
  • model multiple representations of the system consistently
  • identify design patterns
  • map models to source code
  • integrate source code into an app
  • deliver this app to the customer using build and release management


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Join our Software Engineering Essentials MOOC - Starting May 30, 2017

SEECx Poster

We just announced our new massive open online course Software Engineering Essentials (SEECx) on edX that we developed together with the TUM Media Center. The course is 9 weeks long and will start on May 30, 2017. It includes video lectures, quizzes, modeling and programming exercises and focuses on management, development and patterns. 

The course is free and open to everyone and you will learn: 

  • methods and techniques to develop software for different domains and platforms
  • analyze requirements and transform the problem statement into models using textual analysis
  • model multiple representations of the system consistently
  • identify design patterns
  • map models to source code
  • integrate source code into an app
  • deliver this app to the customer using build and release management


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SIGCSE Workshop „How to Integrate Interactive Learning into Large Classes”

We will give a workshop on the topic How to Integrate Interactive Learning into Large Classes at the SIGCSE 2017. We will present how we teach in the lectures Project Organization and Management (POM) and Patterns in Software Engineering (PSE) lecture and introduce the concept of Interactive Learning. We provide insights into the different interactive learning exercises and show hands-on examples how to apply them for classes with more than 300 students. In case you have friends or colleagues joining the SIGCSE 2017 conference, spread a word about our workshop and recommend to register for it.  The workshop will take place on Saturday March 11, 3:00 pm-6:00 pm in Seattle, Washington.  If you have any questions feel free to contact Andreas Seitz.

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Student assistant wanted: Design of an information system with multiple displays for the ITüpferl

Event at the ITüpferl

We are celebrating 50 years of informatics in Munich and we are looking for a student taking care of an information system including videos, photos and text as well as the design of exhibitions in the ITüpferl. If you don’t know anything about the iTüpferl, find more information at:




Your tasks:

  • Design of the exhibition for 50 years of informatics in Munich and 10 years of iPraktikum in the ITüpferl
  • Design, installation and maintenance of an information system with multiple displays
  • Supervision of the weekly opening hours (2h) of the ITüpferl
  • Event organization (Schülertag, 50 years of informatics in Munich, Tag der offenen Tür)


We are looking for a motivated student with a workload of 5 hours per week for about 6 months. If you are interested, please write an application email with a short motivation and CV to Andreas Seitz (seitz (at)

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CPSSC'16 and CSE'16 - Review & Recordings

In February members of our chair organised the 1st International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems in the Context of Smart Cities (CPSSC'16) and the Workshop on Continuous Software Engineering (CSE’16) as part of SE 2016. Andreas Seitz and Constantin Scheuermann were responsible for the CPSSC’16 and Lukas Alperowitz together with colleagues from the RWTH Aachen were in charge for CSE’16.

The results of the CPSSC Workshop have been video recorded and are available online.

As part of the opening session, Volker Hartkopf held the keynote of the CPSSC´16 about "Campuses as Living & Lived Laboratories for Smart Cities".

After a short break, the scientific program started with the following contributions:


As part of the closing session a panel discussion with well-known experts in the area of Smart Cities, Cyber-Physical Systems and Smart Office Environments was organized. The scope of the discussion was "The Future of Smart Cities", which was moderated by Prof. Bernd Brügge, Ph.D.

Members of the Panel Discussion:

  • Prof. Dr.h.c. Volker Hartkopf, PhD, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Oliver Juli, Aspern Smart City Research
  • Prof. Dr. Ardeshir Mahdavi, Technische Universität Wien
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Monika Sturm, Leibniz Universität Hannover

The entire panel discussion as been recorded and is available online

Special thanks goes to Ruth Demmel and Andreas Jung for their great support during and after the CPSSC workshop, 2016.

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