Research Group for Applied Software Engineering
Forschungsgruppe für Angewandte Softwaretechnik

Join our Software Engineering Essentials MOOC - Starting October 24, 2017

Our massive open online course Software Engineering Essentials (SEECx) starts again. Together with the TUM Media Center we developed this course and provide it for learners all over the world on edX. It is an intensive course which is 8 weeks long and will start on October 24, 2017. It includes video lectures, quizzes, modeling and programming exercises and focuses on management, development and patterns. 

The course is free and open to everyone and you will learn: 

  • methods and techniques to develop software for different domains and platforms
  • analyze requirements and transform the problem statement into models using textual analysis
  • model multiple representations of the system consistently
  • identify design patterns
  • map models to source code
  • integrate source code into an app
  • deliver this app to the customer using build and release management


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Tutors wanted: EASE MOOC (Winter 2016/17)

In the upcoming winter semester 2016/17, we will teach a completely new course Essentials of Applied Software Engineering (EASE) as Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). The course focuses on software development with exercises on analysis, design, modeling, programming and testing, but also includes project management and design patterns topics.

The course has a special emphasis on active, blended and experiential learning, mixing theory in online videos with online exercises to create an interactive learning experience for participating students. Therefore, we are looking for motivated tutors who help us in the preparation of videos and online exercises.

If you are interested, please write an application email with motivation, CV and TUM Online grade report to Stephan Krusche.

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