Research Group for Applied Software Engineering
Forschungsgruppe für Angewandte Softwaretechnik

Best Paper Award (Industry Track) at ICSSP 2018

The paper Practitioners’ Eye on Continuous Software Engineering: An Interview Study (PDF) by Jan Ole Johanssen, Anja Kleebaum, Barbara Paech, and Bernd Bruegge was awarded the best paper award in the industry track of the ACM 2018 International Conference on Software and System Process (ICSSP 2018) in Gothenburg, Sweden. The definitive version of the paper is available in the ACM Digital Library.

In the paper, the authors present results from an interview study with 24 practitioners from 17 companies during 20 interviews, describing practitioners' definitions of CSE, most relevant elements for CSE, their experiences, and plans for future additions to their CSE process. The paper concludes with a model of CSE, the Eye of CSE.

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Continuous Delivery in Corporate Environments

The Continuous Delivery process for mobile applications developed at our chair was successfully implemented at Capgemini. As part of his Master’s Thesis, Sebastian Klepper adapted the process to the conditions in the company to deal with heterogeneous project environments, globally distributed resources, high security requirements, constraints for cloud-based services and multi-platform support. The process is now successfully used in (international) projects and is a valuable contribution for the knowledge transfer from university to industry.

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