Research Group for Applied Software Engineering
Forschungsgruppe für Angewandte Softwaretechnik
Master's Thesis
Automatic Deployment and Dynamic Reconfiguration of Web Services in Heterogeneous IoT Environments
Felix Desiderato
May 15, 2021 - November 15, 2021

The operation of large amounts of data generated by Internet of Things (IoT) devices is challenging for classic centralized IoT systems. Fog Computing solves this issue by shifting the computing responsibility from a centralized instance to fog devices, thus enables large heterogenous environments with different device types. Moving away from a central approach also allows more dynamic environments with devices entering and leaving the network arbitrarily. In this thesis we present an approach that enables the simultaneous and automatic deployment of a webservice to an heterogeneous IoT environment. Our approach assumes certain IoT typical constraints, such as hardware restrictions on devices, limited access due to private and secure networks, heterogenity of devices and nodes as well as dynamic topology changes. To handle the latter, our approach is able to register changes in the network at runtime and reflect them in the components and services. To showcase our approach, we will present an example using a web service created with the Apodini framework that we deploy in selected scenarios. You can find the open source implementation at