Research Group for Applied Software Engineering
Forschungsgruppe für Angewandte Softwaretechnik
Tag-based Task Assignment Recommendation
Nitesh Narayan
Taraneh Najafi
Needless to say that, for any act of team organisation like task management the importance of having an overview of the activities and the strength of the team members in different fields is of no doubt. As elements of task management, the features of task board management and assignee recommender cover the former and the latter respectively. Through task board management, the organiser tracks the sequence of the tasks and the arrangement of the assigned tasks, so he or she could minimize the idle status of the team. To this end, the task should be distributed optimally among the developers based on their level of desirability. This implicitly brings the necessity of a mechanism to evaluate their desirability quantitatively which is normally assessed intuitively and qualitatively. As a result, through more rational assignment of the tasks among the developers based on their quantitative desirability, more tasks would be accomplished in the same specific sprint. Therefore, the effectiveness of the team would be improved. In this thesis we develop a light weight assignee recommendation and association algorithm, which is integrated within an android application for task management