Research Group for Applied Software Engineering
Forschungsgruppe für Angewandte Softwaretechnik
Bachelor / Master
Step-wise exercises with interactive help tutorials inArtemis (
Many exercises include multiple parts that depend on each other. Then it is impossible, difficult and/or demotivating for students to continue with the 2nd or 3rd part if they were not able to solve the 1st part. It is also misleading if the 1st part is finished and the student gets the feedback that e.g. 8 out of 12 test cases still fail. In this thesis, you will extend ArTEMiS so that instructors can easily add multiple parts for exercises. In addition, ArTEMiS should allow student to receive automatic help in form of live tutorials for exercise parts that they don't understand or cannot solve. While they cannot obtain the full points any more, they can work on the other parts as well and learn the system and the theory behind the concept through interactive live tutorials (comparable to an on-boarding in a mobile app). The thesis should also evaluate if these improvements help and motivate students to achieve a better learning experience. ArTEMiS is open source and available on
Extension of Programming Exercise in Artemis ( --> 
Extension of Semi-Automatic Grading of Modeling Exercises inArtemis ( --> 