Research Group for Applied Software Engineering
Forschungsgruppe für Angewandte Softwaretechnik

Application for Seminar Games Development (SS13) is now possible

The Seminar Games Development with iOS will be offered again in the summer term 2013. Interested students can apply for it by filling out the application form on the course page.

In the first two weeks of April 2013, the seminar is held as a block course before the lectures start. Students first learn in interactive presentations how to work with Xcode 4.6 and how to program in Objective-C.

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Results of Seminar Games with iOS (WS12)

In the Seminar Games Development students learn how to develop and publish games.

12 games were developed in October 2012:

Blob Roller Lingo Road Rage Trunk of Crime
Blob Roller Lingo Road Rage Trunk of Crime
Boss Puzzle Nasty Squirrel Fancy Uphill Valley
Boss Puzzle Nasty Squirrel Fancy Uphill Valley
Fishy Fish Puzzle To Exit Towers Vs Aliens Warty Warthog
Fishy Fish Puzzle To Exit Towers vs. Aliens Warty Warthog


Find out more about the games on the seminar page!

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The iOS Praktikum 2012

In the iOS Praktikum 2012, more than 80 students developed iOS applications in real projects with 11 real companies.

More information about the projects as well as their results can be seen by clicking onto one of the companies.
Robot-based speaker selection in a distributed video conference
Controlling an airplane with an iPhone
iPad based center console for the F12
Maiborn Wolff et al
Holiday Companion for the pocket
Customized catering for large events
Siemens CIT
Indoor-Navigation for Buildings
Bokowsky + Laymann
Teaching German to Foreigners with an Accent
Simon Pierro
iPhone Magic for everyone
iPad support for the Siemens EQ.7 coffee machine
Speech-based CASE tool
Home control system with out a server

Find out more at the project page.

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Framework Design for iOS

The chair offers a new Master Praktikum Framework Design for iOS in the upcoming winter semester 2012/13. Participating students shall be familiar with Objective-C and iOS development. Students can apply for the Praktikum on the course website.

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Application for Seminar Games Development (WS12/13) now possible

The Seminar Games Development with iOS will be offered again in the winter term 2012 / 2013. Interested students can apply for it by filling out the application form on the course page.

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The iOS Praktikum 2012

The iOS Praktikum 2012 with more than 100 students will start with the Kickoff on 19th of April at HS1.

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Games Development with iOS

The seminar starts at Monday, 2nd of April, 9:00 am. Students first learn in interactive presentations how to develop games for iPhone or iPads.

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JASS 2012

The Joint Advanced Student School (JASS) in St. Petersburg (Russia) took place from 18th to 24th of March 2012 in cooperation between St. Petersburg Academic University and Technische Universität München (TUM).

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weMakeWords auf der Forscha 2010: Premiere einer neuen Generation von Lernspielen

FORSCHAweMakeWords auf der FORSCHA

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iMakeWords am Tag der offenen Tür - 24.10.2009

iMakeWords am Tag der offenen Tür der Forschungseinrichtungen in Garching


Das im Zuge des iPhone Praktikums 2009 am Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Softwaretechnik entwickelte Lernspiel iMakeWords wird am Tag der offenen Tür der Forschungseinrichtungen in Garching am 24. Oktober der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert. Bei iMakeWords handelt es sich um ein kollaboratives Mehrspieler-System mit dem Kinder zwischen 4 und 8 Jahren gemeinsam Chinesisch Lesen lernen können. Dabei kommen Resultate aus der Verhaltensforschung sowie Technologien aus dem Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz zum Einsatz.

iMakeWords wurde im Auftrag des Kinderpsychologen Dr. Pohl aus Garmisch-Partenkirchen entwickelt. Es baut auf das Projekt Simballo auf, bei welchem ein intelligentes Online-Lese-Lernspiel für Kinder entwickelt wird, das sich individuell an die Stärken und Schwächen der Kinder anpasst.


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