Research Group for Applied Software Engineering
Forschungsgruppe für Angewandte Softwaretechnik

iPraktikum Team Receives SmartHome Deutschland Award 2019

For the third time in a row, an iPraktikum team got first place in the category "best student achievement" ("Beste studentische Leistung") at the SmartHome Deutschland Award 2019: with the industry partner iHaus, they developed the CityJuice system during the winter term 2018/19.

A common problem in neighborhoods with an increasing number of electric cars is the price for a charging station and a lack of possibilities to charge. Additionally, the distribution of energy may become a problem when every car owner operates a charging station. The team of ten students developed the iHaus CityJuice system that aims to solve these problems by providing charging station owners with a simple and intuitive way to share free capacities and car owners with a way to find available charging slots. An intelligent component decides, when and for how long a car can be loaded to guarantee a hassle-free transition to the next loading process. In the future, the system may automatically instruct the electric cars to drive to the next available charger and control the charger. CityJuice promotes this vision by providing an autonomous component that can communicate with cars and send instructions for the charging process.

As part of an event in the Rotes Rathaus in Berlin on May 29, 2019, the students presented the project and received the award for the first place. The SmartHome Deutschland initiative represents a trade-spanning, interdisciplinary communication platform to enable information exchange between regional smart home organizations and representatives of research, development, industry, commerce, and craft.

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iPraktikum Team Receives SmartHome Deutschland Award 2018

Following the outcome of 2017, the iHaus iPraktikum team of the winter term 2017/18 again received the first place in the category “best student achievement” (“Beste studentische Leistung”) at the SmartHome Deutschland Award 2018. Over the course of one semester, the eight students have developed the iHaus DNA system.

The current generation of smart homes comes with a great variety of sensors and actuators. Many of these devices interact with each other, creating a unique footprint of the occupants' routines and behavioral patterns. At the same time, there is a high effort for occupants in setting up rules for the automation of their regular activities. The iHaus DNA system tackles this problem by smartly detecting daily habits and suggesting their automatic execution to the occupants. Furthermore, the iHaus DNA system is able to identify anomalies and thereby contributes to its user's comfort, security, safety, and health.

As part of an all-day event in the Rotes Rathaus in Berlin on May 14, 2018, the students presented the project and thereafter received the award for the first place. The SmartHome Deutschland initiative represents a trade-spanning, interdisciplinary communication platform to enable information exchange between regional smart home organizations and representatives of research, development, industry, commerce, and craft.

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iPraktikum Team got First Place at SmartHome Deutschland Award 2017

An iPraktikum team of the winter term 2016/17 got first place in the category “best student achievement” (“Beste studentische Leistung”) at the SmartHome Deutschland Award 2017. The nine students worked together with iHaus AG on the topic “Efficient Energy Management in Private Households”.

Within one semester, the students developed an intelligent system that automates the management of energy—an increasingly complex process. The occupants of a smart home can use an intuitively designed app to choose between four different modes. For instance, the Eco Mode ensures the environmental-friendly usage of energy by preferring solar energy and reducing non-required energy consumption to a minimum. Moreover, the occupants can apply a Vacation Mode, a High Availability Mode, and a Money Saving Mode. In addition, the system keeps on informing the occupants about the house status and provides possibilities to make manual adjustments.

As part of an all-day event on May 30, 2017, in the Rotes Rathaus in Berlin, the students presented the project and thereafter received the award for the first place. The SmartHome Deutschland initiative is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and represents a trade-spanning, interdisciplinary communication platform to enable information exchange between regional smart home organizations and representatives of research, development, industry, commerce, and craft.

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Zeiss Meditec Customer Sales Representative Assistant App rolled out in Germany and Mexico

In close cooperation with Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, a team of 7 students developed a mobile app that makes the life of ZEISS customer sales representatives easier. As part of the iPraktikum WS16/17, the team used agile development techniques to build the solution sales representatives really needed.

The app is currently being rolled out in Mexico and Germany. During the development process, the team identified two main use cases: ordering and stock taking. Until now, sales representatives were not able to cover these two use cases in a completely digital way. The team interviewed potential users in Mexico and Germany to identify the problems in the existing processes for these two use cases to prototype and develop a new improved solution. The close cooperation between industry partners and the Chair for Applied Software Engineering gives students the chance to work on real life problems with real customers. Even more, the students’ innovative, young and technology-driven approach is a huge opportunity for companies like ZEISS to prototype, develop and rollout new solutions in a fast way.

Carl Zeiss Meditec is happy to be part of the line-up for the iPraktikum summer term 2017 and looking forward to another success story driven by the engagement of young software engineers taking part in the Praktikum.

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Results of iOS Praktikum 2014

In the iOS Praktikum 2014 more than 100 students developed iOS applications in real projects with 11 companies.

iNappkin: Usability Tests with iPads Damage Reporting for E-Bikes
TV Quiz App Online Appointment Scheduling for Car Maintenance
Personalized Flight Itinerary Remote Control of BoinxTV with an iPad
Innovative User Interface for Marketing of the Dash System Smart Control for the Intelligent Workplace
E-Learning Platform with Augmented Reality Interactive Showrooms with Augmented Reality
KneeHapp: Rapid Rehabilitation of Ligament Ruptures  

Find out more and watch videos of all final presentations on the project page!

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Results of iOS Praktikum 2013

In the iOS Praktikum 2013 more than 100 students developed iOS applications in real projects with 10 companies.

Sierra - Siemens Real Estate Room Advisor Interactive 3D Configurator for Retail Stores
Pedelec App - Rent an E-Bike Travel Navigator for your iPhone
Connecting People in Project-based Organizations Bringing the Bavarikon 3D Content to iPhone and iPad
Discover a city with your Audi Support for Rescue Helicopters
Mobile Shoe Configurator Access to Buildings with the iPhone


Find out more and watch videos of all final presentations on the project page!

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iOS Praktikum 2013 - Client Acceptance Test



We like to cordially invite everyone to the final presentations (Client Acceptance Test) of the iOS Praktikum 2013 with 10 exciting projects and presentations.

The event takes places on Thursday, July 18 between 4:15 and 7:30 pm (CET) in lecture hall 1 (HS1). You can see the agenda of the event and more information about the projects on

Like last year, we have a livestream to the Internet, you can watch the presentations on


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Hilfskraft zum Aufbau und Betreuung der DOLLI6-Infrastruktur gesucht

Für unser studentisches Großpraktikum DOLLI6 suchen wir noch Hiwi-Unterstützung beim Aufbau und der Betreuung der Praktikums-Infrastruktur. Die genaue Stellenausschreibung finden Sie hier.

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Eclipse Plugin Development Lab Course Summer 2012

The results of this summers Eclipse Plugin Development Lab Course are now online.

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