John Impagliazzo

John Impagliazzo (Professor Emeritus, Hofstra University) is a steering committee member of the CC2020 project. He was chair of the steering committee that produced the computer engineering curricular report (CE2016) [8] and was a principal co-author of the committee that produced the CE2004 report [9]. As an active member of the CC2005 project, the experience made him become a valued contributor to the CC2020 project. He was also a member of the IT2017 committee and the principal writer of the information technology (IT2017) report. Dr. Impagliazzo is IEEE Fellow, an IEEE Life Member, an ACM Distinguished Educator, and a Fellow of CSAB.
Pierre Bourque

Pierre Bourque (Professor, École de technologie supérieure Université du Quebéc) is completing a sabbatical leave in industry at CGI, after being Dean of Studies for six years. He is now a faculty member in the software and IT engineering department. He was notably lead co-editor of the V3 Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK), recognized as a technical report by ISO/IEC, and he was a member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Computer Society. Dr. Bourque has also been actively involved in Canadian engineering accreditation-related activities both at his school and on visits to other institutions.
Pierre will also contribute a keynote to the conference.
Nancy R. Mead

Nancy R. Mead (SEI Fellow [retired], CMU) is a task force member of the CC2020 project. She is also an Adjunct Professor of Software Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, a Parnas Fellow at Lero, the Irish Software Research Institute, and an IEEE Distinguished Visitor. Her research areas are security requirements engineering and software assurance curricula. The Nancy Mead Award for Excellence in Software Engineering Education is named for her. Mead has more than 200 publications and invited presentations. She is a Life Fellow of the IEEE, a Distinguished Member of the ACM, and was named the 2015 Distinguished Educator by IEEE TCSE.