Call for Tutorial Proposals

Tutorials and Practice & Methods Presentations (TPM, 3 pages maximum)

We invite proposals for practice & methods presentations, and for tutorials. These should have practical appeal to the software engineering education and training community, and should enable participants to learn more about a topic relevant to one of the conference themes. It is expected that practice & methods presentations should occur within 30 to 90 minute time slots, and that tutorials will be within a 60 to 180 minute time slot.

Such a proposal should be submitted as a paper, and should detail the topic and objectives for the session, indicating how it is expected to meet the needs of the conference audience. It should also include:

  • brief biographies of the presenter(s) and their affiliations
  • the format of the session and the proposed activities, along with anticipated time requirements
  • details of any requests for pre-event input from potential attendees (e.g. questions, responses to short questionnaires)
  • if appropriate, details of any proposed post-event activities or support

The submission for a practice & methods presentation or for a tutorial should not exceed 3 pages, and the accepted submissions will appear in the proceedings. Presenters for these events are required to register as delegates for the conference.

Format and Submission Procedures

For 2020 CSEE&T will continue to use the IEEE double column format for its proceedings. All submissions must conform to this format, and must be within the page lengths specified for the class of submission. Submissions that do not adhere to the formatting guidelines or do exceed the page limits, will be desk rejected without further review.

All proposals must be submitted via email to: cseet2020organization-ase(at)

Important Dates

Tutorial Proposal Deadline Feb 8, 2020
Tutorial Proposal Notification Apr 4, 2020
Go/No-Go Decision by early-bird registration deadline
Camera Ready August 20, 2020
Main Conference November 9-12, 2020